Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm never ok with Lucas changing the movies all the time. It is intellectually and artisticly dishonest. Should the Beatles have rereleased all their early rock and roll music with drug induced lyrics and studio effects? Should Casa Blanca be colorized? Sequels and prequels and EU can do what they want, but it is a lie when Lucas changes things in the story and claims he always meant to. Alternative realities are fine, but falsifying the past is never good in art--it becomes just like political propaganda. Thank god Picasso didn;t repaint all his great cubist canvases when he stopped painting as a cubist!
Thanks DarthPoppy... wherever you may be.
I think that the original Star Wars movies, and all copies of the original, unaltered versions should be destroyed. Seventies hair bites. Lucas should reshoot the original trilogy.
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